Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Smile - You´re writing a paper

So I had to write a paper for my session at the international conference on Innovation Journalism. I thought I picked something easy when I decided to write a case study on PodTech where I do my fellowship.
I was wrong.
To understand a Silicon Valley start-up with all its levels of new technology, new media products, new business models, new ethics is - eh - not easy. The paper has followed me in my dreams and kept me buzy every night for over a week now. But I think it is getting ready, I´ll link to it as soon as it is up.
I´ve also discovered that working in Silicon Valley a lot follows this principle: "You wanna learn how to swim? Sure I´ll push you into the Atlantic". I´ve struggled to get a (very small) video-piece, an interview I did with the US ambassador to Sweden Michael Wood on clean tech, done and up. In the end I had to figure out how to edit the piece myself. Its very, very ruff but you can look at it here.
People at PodTech still are extremly nice, I just need to learn how to navigate I guess.
We´ve also done som nice things this last week - we hung with friends at their pool, had coffe at my favorite café in Palo Alto, visited a breathtaking beach - and I went shopping in San Fransisco with a friend from work. I must confess I ended up with three pair of shoes - only to balance the tech-world.